Work As Worship

"Beyond Theory: Practical Applications and Interactive Discussions on Living Out Your Faith at Work”
MAY 23RD | 3:00PM | COST: $45 (Includes Dinner) 
WOODBRIDGE COUNTRY CLUB | 800 E. Woodbridge Rd, Woodbridge, Ca

Join us for Work As Worship 2024, where we're all about challenging the status quo that tells us to leave our Christian values at home when we head to work. Spend your afternoon with like-minded folks who, just like you, are searching for genuine fulfillment in their work lives.


Jennifer Collier

Gallup-Certified Strengths Coach

Mike Hudson

President/CEO at Lead4Purpose

Jessica Proctor

Human Resources Specialist

Jud Boies

Founder/Executive Director, Business Goals

About Work as Worship

May 23rd | 3:00pm | Cost: $45 | Woodbridge Country Club

At Work As Worship 2024, you'll discover fresh HR approaches that will boost your business and allow you to live out your faith at work. We'll share real-life stories and practical strategies for creating a workplace where Christ is at the center and productivity, teamwork, and fulfillment are the norm.

We'll kick things off with interactive sessions to build stronger teams and connect with our local business community. Together, we'll explore how to infuse your organization with the timeless principles that really make it tick while staying true to your Christian beliefs.

Whether you're an employer or an employee, we've got you covered. Our conference is designed to remind leaders of the importance of leading with heart and honesty, the kind of leadership that grows businesses and nurtures people. Learn how to make decisions based on Biblical principles and foster a culture where everyone, regardless of their role, feels valued and inspired.

Work as Worship

Take a look at the video above to see what years Work As Worship event has in store.