Family Promise

of San Joaquin County

About The Family Promise Program
FPSJC offers shelter and support for local families experiencing homelessness. As a small, family-focused program, we help parents meet their housing goals while keeping kids’ safety and well-being a top priority. At the Day Center in Stockton, we offer multiple family living rooms, a shared play room, a nursery room, and after school activities.

Family Promise at First

Serving families experience homelessness right here on our church campus.

We have partnered with Family Promise of San Joaquin County to become part of a tangible way to help families in need. For two weeks, twice a year, First Baptist becomes the "home" of a few families in need. This means we will host families for two weeks on campus and provide them a comfortable atmosphere that feels like time. What does it entail? Helping with cooking meals, serving, driving the family to and from the day center, and being on campus to assist the family if they need anything.

Don't hesitate to fill out the form below and become part of the Family Promise team here at First. If you have any questions please contact the church office at 209-334-1332 or Pastor Steve via email at

Join the Family Promise team at First

Join in on being the hands and feet to help shelter families here at First. Please fill out the form below to begin the process of serving. We will be service all of June of 2024, sign up today!

Background Check FAQs

Family Promise of San Joaquin County

Q: Who is required to have background checks?

A: Family Promise SJC Requires that all regular adult volunteers who interact with families in our program must complete:

A background check — This is completed online
A Livescan — Fingerprinting, which must be done in person
Mandated Reporter Certification — May be completed online
In addition, volunteers who interact with guest families are strongly encouraged to watch our volunteer training. Trainings are live, on Zoom, about once per quarter — or you can watch a recorded version. Refer to the “Volunteer Training” section below. Volunteers who have watched this training have found it extremely helpful!

What is a regular volunteer? A regular volunteer is defined as anyone who volunteers with our guest families for more than 16 hours in one month or 32 hours in on year.

All adult overnight volunteers (regardless of the amount of volunteer hours they provide in a month or year) must have a background check, Livescan, and a Mandated Reporter Certification.

Q: Is there a cost for the background checks?

A: Yes, There are costs to complete background checks and Livescans.

The Costs are:
Background checks – $5.75
Livescan – $15 (processing fee) + a fee for the actual fingerprinting which varies from $15-$50 depending on the location you have it done at. Click here to see locations and prices near you. 

Print out the form using the link below and fill out the “Applicant Info” section.
You can narrow your search by zip code or “shop” around to find locations with the cheapest rolling fee. Make sure to call the location in advance to make an appointment or verify they will do walk-ins.
When completing the Livescan, ask the technician to confirm that they got good fingerprints from you.
It is possible to have a Livescan company come to you to do your whole group. Contact Jory if you have interest and need help setting this up.

Use these links for the online Background Check and to print out the Livescan form:
Background check Livescan
We believe in the power of our community and don’t want the cost of a Background Check/Livescan to be a barrier for volunteering. If you would like Family Promise SJC to cover the cost of of your Background check, use the link below. If you would like Family Promise SJC to cover the cost of your Livescan, please follow the steps below for a reimbursement request:

Background check – Family Promise pays 
Livescan Reimbursement:

Take a good photo of your receipt (save your receipt until you get confirmation from Jory that he has a good photo of your receipt)
Email your receipt to 
Make sure to include your first and last name for who we should write the reimbursement check to
Please include your mailing address for us to send the check by mail
Reimbursements could take 1-2 weeks to process

Q: What if I have already  done a background check or Livescan for a different organization?

A: Family Promise SJC needs to have done our own background check and Livescan

Q: How long are the Background Checks and Livescans valid for?

A: Background checks need to be done every 3 years. Livescans only need to be done once.

Q: Is there anything I need to be aware of about the background check?

A: The website for the tests requires you to scroll through a lot of fine print before arriving at the place to enter your information.  The fine print gives disclosures about things the company may check for, including credit checks.  Family Promise is NOT running anything on credit checks.  This background checks only cover: Criminal/Traffic/infractions records, sex offender registry, and a social security trace to verify address. Only the Family Promise SJC Executive Director will see these reports. All reports are kept confidential.

Q: How will I know if there is a problem with my background check or Livescan?

A: Any volunteer who generates a background check indicating a problem will be directly contacted by the Family Promise SJC Executive Director. If there is an issue with a specific volunteer, the coordinator will be notified, but the nature of the problem will not be shared.

These background checks are meant to help protect children and are only meant to help us exclude people from volunteering who have a history of violence, physical abuse, and/or sexual abuse — please contact if you wish to ask questions about something that might come up on a background check.

Q: More Questions?

A: Contact the Family Promise SJC Executive Director by emailing 


Click here for instructions on completing a Mandated Reporter Training Certification 

Please note: If you already have a current Mandated Reporter Certification, you do not need to do this again. Simply email your certificate to

Certifications are valid for two years from certificate date.