Titus 2:3-5

We are a group of R.E.A.L women that have a passion to build intentional connections with one another focused around our faith in Jesus Christ, and our desire to honor and serve Him with our whole lives. We know that relationship with one another is a vital part of living out our faith, so our desire is to create opportunities to be a R.E.A.L. woman fostering Relationship, Encouragement, Accountability, and Love!

We accomplish this by offering weekly Bible studies, events to deepen and grow in our faith and community with one another, and life-journey specific gatherings meant to encourage you where you are.

We're excited to do life together!



Saturday | September 7th | 7:30am around the fire pit

Join us for Scones & Scripture! Come grab a scone and coffee as we dive into devotion together around the fire pit outside the Youth Room. Join in for a time of taking a look at a passage in the Bible and discussing how it applies to our lives.

Don't Miss Out, Make Sure You Are In The Know.

Make sure you sign up for our Women of First email & text message list.

Mom to Mom

Moms of Diverse Backgrounds, Churches, & Communities

We are women of diverse backgrounds from many different churches and communities all over the Lodi area who have children of all ages (infancy through high school).  Though at various stages of parenting, we share a common desire to grow as women and as mothers.


Our mission is to educate, encourage, and equip women for the most important yet toughest job in all the world - parenting. Through practical, Biblically-based teaching on parenting and through supportive interaction in small groups led by experienced mentor moms who follow the Titus 2:4 model in the New Testament, we wish to foster growth, not only in our parenting skills, but in our wholeness as women - intellectually, relationally, and spiritually.  

Titus 2:3-5

"Likewise, teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good. Then they can urge the younger women to love their husbands and children,  to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God."

MOM to Mom 2024/25

For more information contact Amanda Bender at amanda@fbclodi.org  |  +1 (209) 334-1332

Women's Studies

Monday Morning | The Gospel of John

Mondays | 10:00am | Room 6

Join Monday morning bible study as they journey through the Gospel of John at 10am in Room 6.

For more information contact Betty Smith at  bobanbet@sbcglobal.net | 209.969.6602

Tuesday Morning | Hebrews

Tuesdays | 9:30am | Chapel

Come to the Chapel on Tuesday mornings to study Hebrews at 9:30am. Cost is $15/Semester.

For more information contact Amanda Bender at amanda@fbclodi.org | 209.334.1332


Wednesdays | August 14th | 9:00am (Room 6) or 6:15pm (Worship Center)

Relationships are messy. Sometimes we struggle to get along, especially when there is disagreement. Often we find ourselves divided--even as Christians. How can we work out our differences and disagreements with humility and grace, always showing the love of Christ, while still remaining true to what we believe?

In this study we will explore Paul's first letter to the Corinthians to learn how we as Christians are to deal with differences and divisions--whether in the workplace, neighborhood, school, home, social media community, or church. We'll discover that the answer is living and sharing the radical love of Jesus Christ, and we'll unpack what this means and how we can live it out day by day.

FIRST CORINTHIANS by Melissa Spoelstra

Wednesday Morning Study @ 9am - Room 6

FIRST CORINTHIANS by Melissa Spoelstra

Wednesday Evening Study @ 6:15pm - Worship Center

Contact Women of First

We would love to hear from you.