Sunday Classes

One of the very best ways to get connected to the Word of God and to others is through a Sunday morning class.  Classes are offered for every age from the youngest child to the oldest adult.  Every Sunday from 9:45-10:45am  classes meet for study, fellowship, prayer and friendship.  You are always welcome and all groups are designed so that you can join in at any time.  Classes are most often formed by age/stage of life.  Stop by the Information Counter for a suggestion of a class that might be the best for your and your family!

Ambassadors - Room 1

Seniors who enjoy Bible study, hymn singing and snacks together. Our class with the oldest average age. Ages 75 and up. A more intimate sized class.

Joint Heirs - Chapel

Younger seniors who enjoy Bible lectures, great food and fellowship, quarterly socials. Mostly ages 60-80. Our largest class.

Word & Deed - FBC Gym

A line-by-line journey through Scripture that takes us from cover to cover. This class is open to all ages, with many generation represented - the Word of God being our common link. Our motto is: Go Deep or Go Home!

Bereans - Room 6

Emphasis on good Bible teaching, fellowship and socials. Mostly ages 50-75. A medium sized class.

Young Couples - Counseling Room

A community group for the young, young-ish (20 and 30 Somethings), and young at heart.  Whether you are single, married, thinking about kids, raising young kids, come and join us as we figure out how to thrive (or just survive) this season of life.

HSM: High School Ministry - Youth Room

If you are a High Schooler (9th-12th grade), come join us on Sunday mornings as we gather for a time to connect and grow. We meet in the High School room between the Youth Patio and the Gym, where we have fun, discuss truths from the bible, and pray for one another in community.

JHM: Junior High Ministry - Room 2

This is an awesome time for 7th and 8th graders to fellowship and learn more about Jesus through reading the Bible, games and discussion. Sunday mornings are a smaller setting than Wednesday nights, which allows for deeper discussion in a small group environment. Hope to see you there!

Spanish ministries - Spanish Chapel

Cada domingo a las 11am el grupo pequeño en Español se reúne para disfrutar un tiempo de compañerismo, lectura de la Biblia y orar juntos. Acompáñanos y sé parte de lo que Dios está haciendo en FBC Español.